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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A personal post here...
I was sitting outside today I was thinking about how much I was craving chocolate ...mmm and ice cream, but also about the promise I made myself to eat more healthily for the rest of this pregnancy. I was SO sick for months, that I want to make sure the baby gets everything she needs these last couple months. As I was contemplating the situation something like this...
parked directly in front of me. Except the one that was taunting me, was an 18 wheeler plastered with a giant picture of all the delicious delights See's has to offer. The truck moved on, and no joke 5 minutes later this pulled up.

Do I even need to tell you what I'm eating right now?

Dame Star Baby

Okay, this one is near and dear to my heart, as it reminds me of how I got into the baby business (not the having babies, but designing accessories).

Dame Star Baby
was established by two Work-At-Home-Moms (WAHMs) in Napa Valley, California. They both love their kids and love to sew combining the two was how Dame Star was born. Although a bit pricey, clothes from Dame Star are quality, and are tough enough to take what your kids hand out, wipe on, or splash in... and still make it to hand-me-downs.

They're even made from organic cotton, yum! Selection ranges from handsewn applique tops and pants, to adorable hats crafted from 100% alpaca wool (hats are something I know a little about having had a bald baby of my own!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Etsy Week

I came across a new blogging term... "stumbling". It's when you find a new blog or site through links on pages you frequent. Makes sense especially since some of my favorite places online are ones I've "stumbled."

This week I am going to feature a site I "stumbled" some time ago, and I'm sure many of you have heard of... ETSY! Etsy is the place for "all things handmade," and it's picking up steam. Each seller sets up their own "shop" which functions something like ebay with set prices instead of auctions. Shops feature everything from furniture to clothing, to office supplies. I'll admit I haven't been to every shop (there are tens of thousands), but I've made several purchases, and have been thrilled with how they have turned out. Now don't misunderstand, I love ebay, but etsy is not only an online store - you can support individually owned, small businesses, scout out innovative designs not found at your local Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrell, and get a generally unique experience.

Because our focus is "cool stuff for kids," each day this week, a different kid-friendly etsy shop will be featured. Today's pick is "Flying Star Toys." Flying Star toys are incredibly artistic and imaginative stuffed animals (and a few other things). They are beautiful to look at, which is great, because when you child gets a hold of one, it will become an istant favorite!

Flying Star was created by Florence Forrest, an Australian designer. She says about her toys, "The soul of a toy is the most important ingredient, my art is just this. The little beings should look gently at you as if they had always existed and you have just happened upon them. I've had the pleasure of making toys and practising embroidery since childhood so for me quality as an indispensible part of my work as an artist and toy designer."

Have you stumbled any sites worth sharing? Leave a comment and share with others!

fabric of our lives...

I'm a sucker for funky geometric prints... as well as for anything that makes Em look even cuter than she already is. The people over at Smafolk have stolen my heart (and my wallet).
A Scandanavian company, Smafolk is famous for it's apple prints, but stocks a hearty supply of tractor, animal, and truck prints as well. The colors and prints make any outfit "pop", and because of the geometric design they can be mixed for a more funky look. Sizes range from newborn "cotton suits (rompers)" all the way up to sweatshirts for adults! The best place I've found to purchase Smafolk, is from Ittikid, although I'm sure there are other online retailers. Having returned from a recent trip to IKEA, I'm beginning to wonder what great things don't come from Scandanavia?

One last bit... Smafolk also features a list of authentic Scandanavian recipes on their site, including "Shrovetide Buns," "Elderberry Soup," and Danish doughnuts. Yum!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

onward and upward

I've decided to refocus this blog on something I know a bit about. Cool stuff for kids. If you've been to my house recently you know we have, perhaps, too much cool stuff for our kid (read: just way too much stuff).

There has been an thought rattling around in my head for some time now. Although I'm not ready to put it into action yet, I feel like scouting out, and posting some of the trendy accessories/gear for your little one will help me get there. A list of recently featured websites will appear (as if by magic) on your right to allow easy access to these delicious treats.

ps. don't worry mom, we'll still be posting the latest and greatest family happenings... afterall, I really can't resist posting pictures of the little one!

First on the list is Chickprint which i stumbled accross on etsy. Located in New York City, chickprint is a stationary company started by Madeley. She uses vintage inspired prints to bring a modern yet child friendly look to any card. I am in love with all of her designs, but particularly the sillouette stationary. Custom made, simply send in a profile of your little one and voila! A gorgeous way to correspond with anyone (grandparents in particular love to recieve these in the mail). With a little one on the way we'll be ordering announcements from Madeley... just as soon as I can decide which I love the most

Saturday, August 23, 2008

beautiful mess

Yesterday, Dave asked me if a clean house was my idol. I laughed at him. "That's ridiculous," I thought to myself, "I just want everything put away, decluttered, organized, color coded, stylish, dirt-free, alphabetized, matching, labeled..." wait a minute. We were at the beach when he asked, and I was pouting because I didn't get to put away enough of the clutter that morning before we left. A gorgeous day with my husband and daughter laughing and playing in the waves, and all I could think about was how much laundry I hadn't done that morning.

I've never been big into organization, but somehow this summer it's become an obsession. I've ripped out every piece of clothing from our closets, scoured corners, re-papered all the cabinets, and been a generally boring person to my daughter (and probably husband as well). It got to the point I couldn't do anything else until I had cleaned somehting What is going on?

We're told we can have it all, a beautiful home, a happy family, busy schedule, successful carreer... but in the last few days I've come to understand that's not reality; at least not for me. I would rather spend time sewing a stuffed animal for Em, or cuddling up with my husband, than putting in new shelf lining for the kitchen. I can't do everything, but I'm starting to see that sometimes the small piles of clutter, or a few dishes in the sink can be a picture of something more important... a beautiful mess, a fufilling life.

still don't have those pics up!

This week was as full as ever! I've been busy sewing for em and her (still to be named) baby sister's room. A friend and I traveled far and wide to find exactly the right fabrics, and finally decided upon a collection from Heather Bailey's new lines, "Pop Garden" and "Bijoux". I've been working late every night this week finishing things up. On top of that, em's going to be a flower girl in about two weeks, and I decided to make her dress.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We've been basking in the sun and sand here in SD, and I've been MIA in the blogging realm!
Tomorrow is Mr.Tandu and my 3rd anniversary so we will be heading out of town for a couple of days. Promise to post some pics from our trip, as well as some of what we've been up to (and some new projects I worked out in my "free" time!).
See you soon, and a happy summer to you all.