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Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year!

So it's 2009, our little family has grown and changed, and I think we're finally getting into the swing of things. Beginning Monday we'll be back to regular(ish) blogging of the coolest kid stuff around and many DIY projects for home and the kiddos... and coming Friday: the official launch of the Tandu website - finally! We'll be taking commercial orders again beginning February 1st, so if you're in the San Diego area, look closely and you might just see us ;)

New Year's Resolutions:

1. Keep in touch with friends and family - I am terrible at checking voicemail, getting back to people, etc. Every time I dial the number to check my messages, anxiety creeps in and I don't do it... I literally had over 70 messages the last time I cleared my box... well, no more! If you are someone dear to me who has been offended by my lack of communication I apologize, and will call you back in a timely manner!

2. Be a more creative mommy - Em's been getting the short end of the stick the last month or so. I'm going to make sure to do something with her each day that lets her know how important and loved she is (and some of those things will be featured here!).

3. Downsize: We are so blessed to live where we do, and be well provided for... but sometimes that means accumulating far too many things we think we need... and it turns out we can live without! This year we're saving our pennies (and dollars!) for a little home of our own, so we'll be making due with less... and I'm sure that will be plenty!

4. Be Healthier: With two little girls, building a business, working part time, and being a full time mom, I plan to be more intentional about what everyone eats and what products we use around the house... I'm also planning on running the half marathon in the Rock & Roll Marathon in June.

Happy New Year to you all, and happy reading!


Ashlyn Carter said...

love all the fun photos! you are going to be super mom in out for Lizzy poo!

Blonde Story Short said...

I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Yay for '09 hang outs with Auntie Sara!