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Thursday, January 21, 2010

a PINK bedroom

When we moved into our new house, Emma had only two requests. First, she wanted a puppy {done}, and next, she wanted a pink room. I tried to convince her that pink accessories make a "pink" room. She wouldn't buy it, and so her room is a lovely shade of light pink with aqua colored accents {turns out, I love it}, but now what? Ashlyn has moved into her own room and there's this HUGE empty space forcing me to make a decision! Below is some inspiration I found around the blog world... will update soon!
{if you have any ideas or pics to share, I need all the help I can get}

I've always liked hanging lanterns and these tissue paper balls, but I couldn't hang them in a way I loved... until I saw this!

{all photos are from}

1 comment:

emily naus said...

SO cute!!! And I love this bottom picture too! It'll be the cutest pink room!