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Monday, September 21, 2009

and they lived happily ever after

The last few weeks have been a blur to say the least. I won't get into details, but practically every extra moment has been spent making sure we are actually going to get the house we are under contract for right now. We're supposed to close escrow a week from today and my fingers are STILL crossed. So, until then, here are some things which reduce my stress level...

puppies... I, I mean, Emma, is getting one for her birthday or Christmas

gorgeous tablescapes by Carter & Cook
inspiration for the 65th wedding anniversary party I'm planning
and fall... today is the first day you know!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

it's that time again!

It's that time again! The annual Modern Economy Online Sale is tomorrow at 9am {pacific time}. If you sign up for the mailing list, you get access 1 hour early. Can anyone guess what I'll be doing at 8am?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

$3 bliss

I found something yesterday that gave me peace and quiet for more than 20 minutes. And it only cost $3.

While scouring Target for art supplies I happened upon these markers, specially made for drawing on glass {while still non-toxic and washable, unlike dryerase}. Emma gets incredibly bored in the car and so running errands is generally exhausting. I opened up that box as soon as we hit the car, and the entire time we were driving I didn't hear a peep from her. Except perhaps to tell me she was drawing a pink dinosaur. Glorious.