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Saturday, April 10, 2010

more pom poms

I just can't get away from these things! How sweet... I just can't believe I didn't think of this, and now my girls are too big for it.

buy it here {on etsy of course}

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm sitting in the window seat of the Pediatric ICU at Children's Hospital, doing what? Writing a blog. They have some strange rules here, like, two parents can stay but only one can sleep. Hmmm some sort of sleep deprivation torture? Not sure. Anyway, while Dave's snoozing, I needed to so something to keep myself awake. Lucky you, getting to read all about it! We came in to the Dr. just thinking Ashlyn had an ear infection. Well, she did, but LONG story short, she also has pneumonia. Earlier tonight, after she wasn't responding to treatment downstairs, they moved us up here to the PICU. Thankfully the little one is finally getting some rest {for now, until they come in to do something else to her}. Several times we've been asked by the staff if we're in the medical field because of how calm we are. Much of that peace is because we know the Great Physician and that it is He who is in control. We so LOVE that you all are praying for us, and are very much hoping to make it home in time for Easter!