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Monday, February 2, 2009

be mine... please

Clockwise from left (all on etsy): paloma's nest, plays with clay, hockomock pottery, rutebega, rain's end, plays with clay

A little something for the moms out there. For the last week or so, I've been waking up in the middle of the night because my wedding ring is bothering my hand... strange since it's not too small on anything... I suppose I'm just weird. Anyway, I have been precariously placing it on the night stand next to my bed, hoping and praying that it is still there in the morning. It's such an important symbol of Dave and my love, and since it belonged first to his grandmother (who has been married 60+ years!), just setting it on the table doesn't seem quite right. This morning I jumped on etsy to find a ring dish... turns out they're not just for weddings (you probably already knew that)! My favorite is by paloma's nest, and can be customized to read with any saying you can think of. This would make the perfect, thoughtful Valentine's day present for the special gal in any guy's life *hint* *hint* to my Dear Husband.

1 comment:

Ashlyn Carter said...

i have mine from the wedding. "I DO" 9.13.08 and Love it! Go Palomas nest! :)