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Thursday, February 10, 2011

just keep swimming

We've been super sick around here for the last couple of days, but I thought I'd give you the epilogue on the goldfish situation.

We now have, not two, but three happy, healthy goldfish. "But how did this happen?" you might ask. Well, when it comes to animals, for some reason, I am incapable of applying logic. I am a HUGE sucker for them... I once adopted a dog from the pound and we didn't even have a house to keep it at!

When I noticed Nemo floating at the top of the bowl, upside down, he was still {though barely} breathing. Any normal person would have flushed him. Instead, I took him out, and placed him in a cup in the laundry room while I made the switch. I came back after putting the girls to bed and he was swimming around like nothing had happened. The girls woke up the next morning and right away realized we had 3 fish now. "Nemo the Second," has been renamed, "Sparkles," and Dave is celebrated throughout the house as the amazing, spontaneous Daddy who just decided to bring home a new pet!

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