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Thursday, November 20, 2008

break time

with only a few days left in the baby countdown, i'm going to take an official blog break until she's here. i promise to come back with lots of pictures and new ideas, and hopefully the baby will have a name by then! have a wonderful thanksgiving!
10 Things I am thankful for (in no particular order):

1. My dear husband who tells me I'm beautiful each day... even though I am 9 months pregnant and hardly get around to doing my hair, let alone putting on make up.
2. My mom, who came all the way down from LA to cook up a storm and supply our freezer with meals for after the baby comes.
3. Naptime
4. Girlfriend time - going for walks, phone calls (which i am so bad at returning), coffee time, playdates, pedicures... you all know who you are & you keep me sane (relatively).
5. My sewing machine which was miraculously healed
6. blogs which inspire my creative efforts - i rarely have my own ideas, but it's easy to be creative when you see everything everyone else is doing
7. My little Emma. Her sweet yet bold, easygoing personality makes it so much fun to stay home with her.
8. Babysitters
9. online shopping (especially at Christmas time)
10. Tiny little baby girl clothes

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