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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

liz romeka, master of the clutter!

Our home has been taken over by toys... and books, and clothes, and all sorts of clutter! It's amazing how, in two short years Em has gone from having practically no possessions, to having more than Dave and myself - combined! Needless to say, I've been searching for storage soloutions that aren't... well... ugly... and primary colors make me cringe. Martha to the rescue again... and of course a little elbow grease from my dear husband!

For all those books & toys:

So the new baby has room for her clothes:
and for all the clothes on the floor (although maybe I won't want to cover it up):

I promise to post some actual pictures once the room is complete!

1 comment:

Ashlyn Carter said...

very cute! and happy to see the name list is down to a whoppin' 5!! I made the next cut! wohoo! :)