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Monday, January 12, 2009

it's time to party!

We made it through another week, and I'm starting to realize that things take 2x as long now that I have an infant in the house. We hosted family and friends at a birthday party for Em (and two of her friends with January birthdays), I made my first birthday cake, and my dearest dave stayed up ALL night reconstructing a 30 yr. old doll house for the big day... Unfortunately this all meant the Tandu site did not get up and running, and I'm going to have to stretch to get ready for orders in February!

One of my favorite gifts for Emma was an "imagination mat" (thanks Sonya) by Emily Green. 1 part placemat, one part dry erase, wipe off fun. features a selection of hip kid tableware, including placemats, plates, bowls, and flatware!

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