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Monday, August 25, 2008

Etsy Week

I came across a new blogging term... "stumbling". It's when you find a new blog or site through links on pages you frequent. Makes sense especially since some of my favorite places online are ones I've "stumbled."

This week I am going to feature a site I "stumbled" some time ago, and I'm sure many of you have heard of... ETSY! Etsy is the place for "all things handmade," and it's picking up steam. Each seller sets up their own "shop" which functions something like ebay with set prices instead of auctions. Shops feature everything from furniture to clothing, to office supplies. I'll admit I haven't been to every shop (there are tens of thousands), but I've made several purchases, and have been thrilled with how they have turned out. Now don't misunderstand, I love ebay, but etsy is not only an online store - you can support individually owned, small businesses, scout out innovative designs not found at your local Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrell, and get a generally unique experience.

Because our focus is "cool stuff for kids," each day this week, a different kid-friendly etsy shop will be featured. Today's pick is "Flying Star Toys." Flying Star toys are incredibly artistic and imaginative stuffed animals (and a few other things). They are beautiful to look at, which is great, because when you child gets a hold of one, it will become an istant favorite!

Flying Star was created by Florence Forrest, an Australian designer. She says about her toys, "The soul of a toy is the most important ingredient, my art is just this. The little beings should look gently at you as if they had always existed and you have just happened upon them. I've had the pleasure of making toys and practising embroidery since childhood so for me quality as an indispensible part of my work as an artist and toy designer."

Have you stumbled any sites worth sharing? Leave a comment and share with others!

1 comment:

Florence Forrest said...

Thanks so much Liz for featuring my toys. Your kind words of support are very warming :)
