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Monday, October 6, 2008

rock it like martha...

Yes! It's finally October... with it comes fall, cozy clothes and weather (nevermind that it was 100 degrees earlier this week), and Pumpkins! I'll admit that Em and I did this little project a week or so ago, but it's so easy, and not only that, but perfect for the little ones to participate in. It comes from complete with instructions and supplies list. I've added my own here -
1. Pick a Pumpkin
2. Paint said pumpkin with Tacky Glue. This takes longer to dry than regular white glue, but it's less runny and holds the glitter better (yes, it works best with a paint brush)
3. Sprinkle with clear, gold, or silver glitter
4. let dry
5. If you want to be like Martha, you can even paint the stem of your pumpkin although I didn't see that as necessary.

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