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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bride & Wolfe

So, after two bouts of the flu, a bike catastrophe (em's favorite toy in the world, her bike, got broken by a big kid), and an unusually crazy week... we're back! I'm still working on getting things together in our little apartment - after we've lived here for a year - and so I'll admit, I'm really into decorating. As I was perusing the internet from bed today, I found this fantastic company: Bride & Wolfe. They are an Australian company which specializes in wood cut silhouettes. I am in love with pretty much everything on their site

I particularly like the one in the middle, and the "climbing girl," bottom right. We're considering all of these for em's room... or maybe one for ours? Be sure to check out Bride & Wolfe... great for kids and their parents!

Stay tuned this week for a DIY (do it yourself) project any parent would love... and it makes a great gift! See you then!

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